I want to know how this supercool trick is done.

  3 Responses to “Transparent Screens – a photoset on Flickr”

  1. Wow – can we get these in large format, matted into the drive’s side windshield glass? I want full access, voice controlled for long trips or traffic jams!!!

  2. Yeah, ’cause you need something else tech-based to chase to the ends of the Earth.

    Still – cool trick. I had theories until I saw the one with the guy in it.

  3. That’s gotta be Photoshop trickery. The laptops are just added in. Otherwise there’s no way that you’d get the right angle. The optics simply could not work out (well, unless you created a 3D holographic laptop screen and a stereoscopic camera that was hooked up to some pretty tremendous modeling software).

    Still it’s good photoshop trickery. I had to look for a minute before I came to my conclusion.

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